Thursday, May 21, 2020

Lred and Jen's wedding and other stuff

 Setting up a live stream at home, for those who weren't able to attend
  the boutonniere
 Ella is already
 Arie is taking some pictures
 "Eww why would you take my picture"
 Not too close, remember six feet

 That's right take my picture
 Jaul, Ro, Frisco, and Ella 

 Lizzy and Ren
 A flower fell from someones boutonniere
 A photographer 
 Snapping some pictures

 Ah weddings are so stressfull

He was posing for someone else
 Erna's corsage
 Getting masks ready

 We had to watch the wedding in the church basement
 Trinty flower in our woods

The horses


                                          Cassandra                                         FG1                                          FG2...